Service Levels
Full Service
Weekly Service Visits
As Necessary Follow Ups (to complete water treatments, equipment repairs etc...​)
As Necessary Make Up Visits​ (due to weather delays, cancellations etc..)

Full service pool care rates range from $125 to $155 per month depending on pool size, pool equipment system and condition, organic debris, etc.
Green to Clean
Clear Algae & Debris
Clean Pool Filter​
- Balance Water
Daily Visits (until your pool water is back to clean, clear, and ready for swimming!)

Green to Clean rates range from $300 to $700 depending on the amount of algae (a little green or full-on swamp?) pool size, pool equipment system and condition, organic debris, etc.
Chemical Only
Bi-Weekly Service Visits​​

Full-time residents only. Chemical-only service rates range from $75 to $105 per month depending on pool size and pool equipment system and condition.
Ohana Members Enjoy:
Pool Service Reports (emails sent after each service visit)
Discounted Filter Cleaning
- 10% Off Filter Media Replacement
- Discounted Salt Cell Cleaning
- 5% Off Equipment Repairs & Replacements

Ohana membership is given to all clients who maintain a full service or chemical only service account with us.

Service Details
General Cleaning
We will skim the surface, net & vacuum the pool floor, empty baskets, and brush walls & slopes
Water Balancing
We will test the water and add chemicals to maintain sanitizer levels and pH balance (all related chemicals are included in service cost)
Equipment Checks
We will check for leaks, make sure the pump is running, and make sure timers are running on schedule
We will give you any recommendations on pool or equipment issues found during service visits

Ohana member benefits
Discounted Filter Cleaning
Sand filters are backwashed as necessary at no additional cost with full service.
Cartridge and DE filters are automatically scheduled for cleaning every spring and fall at a cost of $99 per cleaning ($135 per cleaning for non-Ohana members).
10% off Filter Media replacements
Sand filters: full sand replacement according to the requirements of your sand filter (typically every 4-5 years). Ohana members receive 10% off the total cost of sand changes.
Cartridge filters: cartridge filter element replacement according to the requirements of your cartridge filter (typically every 2-3 years). Ohana members receive 10% off the total cost of cartridge changes.
Discounted Salt Cell cleaning
Salt-cell inspections are performed periodically for full service Ohana members. If the inspection reveals scale build up, an acid wash will be performed at a discounted cost of $35 per cleaning.
5% off Equipment repairs/replacements
Ohana members enjoy 5% off total cost of plumbing repairs and equipment replacements completed by Ohana Pool Care (pumps, filters, salt systems, etc).